I thought I’d tell you a little bit about me and how I came to be a Clinical Nutritionist.

Dee Lawson

8/1/20232 min read

My health journey started around 20 years ago when I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance. This kind of is where my fascination with food started, although I’m told I was a very well fed kid who ate anything put in front of me covering all cuisines!

As a foodie and an avid cook as well as having been married to a chef in a previous life, going gluten free was never going to dampen any of that. I learnt to navigate and pivot in the cooking world and get creative with what I COULD eat rather than what I wasn’t able to eat.

Which leads me to my food philosophy – I don’t like to focus on good or bad foods but more so asking yourself “is this truly nourishing me?”.

I like to eat all the things, but in a way that’s nourishing and providing my body with nutrients so I can do all the things I love. These include camping, 4wd-ing, hiking, being in nature, being in and near the ocean, yoga, pilates, socialising with friends and whatever else sparks my interest at the time. Generally speaking I enjoy a good balance of good times as well as solo time in which I love nothing more than a podcast or webinar whilst spending hours in the kitchen, I guess it’s my therapy.

Ive had a long arduous journey with my gut which I'm always working on. This is inherited from my Mother (thanks Mum!), as well as lots of antibiotics as a kid (we all were) and then the damage caused from years of carb loading on gluten for swimming races unbeknown to me it was causing so much trouble.

I have spent thousands of dollars on courses and learning as a hobby doing Ayurvedic studies, nutrition diplomas, paleo courses and then finally decided to commit to a university degree in 2016. This took a few years with many bumps in the road (I also worked FIFO) and I can proudly say its my greatest accomplishment thus far in life and I get to do what I absolutely LOVE. Helping and educating as well as using tools to help improve my clients health status – I must say that is truly rewarding. Checking in with a client and hearing there’s lots of improvements and they are feeling better is such a vibe!

Generally what I’m seeing amongst my clients are the same things I’ve gone through and so as well as drawing on what I've been taught and researched, you're also getting real life experience be it with foods, recipes, supplements or some explanations on how to combat your presentations.

I love having you here and hope you’re enjoying all things Nourish with Dee has to offer – we are just getting started!!