I get it! Winter has hit and it's freezing and so hard to get up early like you may do in summer. The sun is taking so much longer to rear its head and the warmth from bed beckons more than the thought of getting up for the gym.

Dee Lawson

7/7/20232 min read

BUT whilst it may be tempting to stay in bed, it's really important to keep your body moving through winter to not only support your immune health, mental health and maintain your weight (we tend to put on weight in winter from the winter foods), but for the functionality of your body in general.

Here are my top 5 tips to maintain motivation to entice you to NOT hit snooze on the alarm and get up and get moving;

πŸ₯‘ Schedule in your workout. By booking it into your calendar and better still booking into the class the commitment is there and locking it in.

πŸ₯‘ Appoint an accountability partner. Whether its a friend or a work mate, use them as a motivator to help you commit to whatever the daily movement is. It can simply be a walk around the block at lunch time.

πŸ₯‘ Lay out your workout clothes and pack whatever you need the night before to assist you in being productive in the morning and getting to the gym on time.

πŸ₯‘ If you know that early mornings just aren't going to work for you, move your schedule to accommodate. If you work from home and have flexibility, this can be a mid morning class once you've eaten, caffeinated and gotten into your day. This is often more successful if you struggle with the idea of a 6am wake up in 2 degrees.

πŸ₯‘ Pick an intention for your movement. This can be a motivator for the opportunity to attend a class or have daily movement. It can simply be β€œtoday I'm moving my body, for my mental health and for time out on a busy day"

Reduce the expectation from working out everyday to 3-4 times a week to the point of sweating and an elevated heart rate. Quality over quantity can work well for time poor folks too.